Flight deals to George Bush Intercontinental Airport

Looking for a cheap last-minute deal or the best return flight to George Bush Intercontinental Airport? Find the lowest prices on one-way and return tickets right here.

Find the cheapest time to fly to George Bush Intercontinental Airport

Flexible on travel dates? Find the cheapest month – or even day – to fly to George Bush Intercontinental Airport.

Flying to George Bush Intercontinental Airport

The things to know before you go.

Cheapest flight found


Average flight time

1 hrs, 56 mins

Cheapest month to fly


Most popular airline

United Airlines

Flights per week


Direct flights to George Bush Intercontinental Airport

Frequently asked questions

Flexible on travel dates? Find the cheapest month – or even day – to fly to George Bush Intercontinental Airport.

When is the cheapest time to fly to George Bush Intercontinental Airport?
The cheapest month to fly to George Bush Intercontinental Airport is usually May.
We show every price from over 1,200 airlines and travel agents, comparing them all so you don’t have to. If you know you want to fly to George Bush Intercontinental Airport but you’re not ready to book, set up a Price Alert. We’ll track prices for you, and let you know when they rise or fall.
The best price we found for a round-trip flight to George Bush Intercontinental Airport is $83.64. This is an estimate based on information collected from different airlines and travel providers over the last 4 days and is subject to change and availability.
After crunching the numbers on our flight calendar, we found that the cheapest date to fly to George Bush Intercontinental Airport is Wednesday, May 17, 2023.
We crunched all the numbers in our flight calendar, and it looks like the cheapest time to book a flight to George Bush Intercontinental Airport is around 40 days in advance, so don’t leave your flight to the last minute.

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